Saturday, August 30, 2008

31 Week Midwife Appointment

I was correct in my assessment of my baby.... It is breech but Colleen, the midwife, said that is fine since I am only 31 weeks and we will start to try to suggest the baby into a new position at like 34 weeks and until then not to stress...... She will deliver a frank breech but not a footling so we are okay there. We aren't drawing my blood this time we are giving it another two weeks and she had me pick up some more vitamins to add to my regiment and I am already taking a drug store...... It is a better liquid food based iron supplement, vitamin K, kelp and some vitamin C added to my five other vitamins but I get to cut out the iron supplement pill. My blood pressure was 110/58 and baby's heart rate was 128 and good and strong. My belly was 34cm and is right on target for growth. June helped out as soon as my belly was out she had the Doppler in her hand to hand off to Colleen. I was kind of shocked June remembered that is what it was for but go June!

My Mom and Jon attended this appt. mainly because my Mom really wanted to come to an appt. when I was pregnant with June and I never let her so I felt bad..... But then Jon watched June and my Mom and I went out to lunch at the Olive Garden and ate the never ending pasta bowl. It was yummy and the waitress we had happen to know us and so our last bowl was "accidently" full size so I have yummy left overs in the fridge!

All n' all it was a great day and everything is going good.

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